The bold fonts, or thick fonts are letters heavy enough to catch the eye and attract the audience easily. They’re irreplaceable for the logos, headings, titles, posters, and all the loud stuff in promo texts.
Get trendy with Grind
There are dozens of free stylish fonts with thick letters such as Grind, that look extremely stylish and modern. If you’re promoting some trendy products or blogs, such cool fonts are the best for you.
Get sporty with Pulse
Many sportive brands are choosing the massive fonts like Pulse, for announcing their special events and attracting more participants. These huge bold fonts are screaming about the high quality.
Get funny with Bjola
There are so many reasons to be entertaining as an author, from writing for kids and their mothers to making a show for adults. In all these cases, funny fonts like Bjolaand Zufohelp a lot.
They’re fancy, imaginative, creative, and well combined with the same style patterns or images. That’s why such funny thick fonts are frequently selected by the top designers and bloggers worldwide.
Get nostalgic with Guster
Hundreds of retro fonts that are very thick and bold, are filling the text market. Guster, Ultra Violent, Pink, Brute are among them. It’s the best way to make your audience feel touched and sentimental.
Get urban and futuristic with Solida
Not many fonts can qualify as futuristic, but Solida certainly can. Other than that, most of the neutral font styles are close to the futuristic impression, for instance, such as Horizon, Integral, Haus, Torch.
Being in between the classical and contemporary style, these thick fonts are creating the unique atmosphere in their own way, and form the most attractive atmosphere for the folks’ modern blogging.
It will save you from spending any money on buying fonts.
So what types of apps or websites offer free fonts? Websites and apps that mainly deal with typeface design usually offer them, along with other visual effects.
People love customization, and if you can provide it, they will follow you.
One of the best of these opportunities is the online marketplace for free fonts.
All you need to do is to find the font you want, and then install it onto your computer.
However, you should make sure that the fonts you use are legal and trustworthy.
Once you get a steady flow of traffic, you will be able to earn more money through other ways.
For those who are interested in making their feed more appealing, this tool can also be very useful.
You can use any font you wish as long as it meets the requirements of the site where you are placing it.
The way the Web has developed over the years and especially in recent months, it is much easier than ever to find and use great fonts for your digital work.
The problem with these two fonts is that they aren’t always recognized by different people when they try to look up word phrases in your font.